The body “as/is”
Evagoras Vanezis
Extended annotations along the work of Phanos Kyriacou
Writing as performance (lecture) or lyrical criticism
threshold to ‘a kind of “there” there’ / voice touching ears
hand holding things, choreography of holding in relation to the thingness of objects (1)
this case, this particular situation; this occurrence; this container; bodies, rupture sculptures, mothership (2)
a sculptural line spills out of the exhibition space /
a mark in space reappears & maps its coordinates on ‘Treat’ (3) //
a doubling (in space, in time) that twists, a straight line has become a turn (((
voided entrances, custom made stool placed under the rolled-up garage doors awaiting the activation of bodies displaying postures on them.
thinking thingness <=> touching thoughts
[only some body], a flesh(y) space/ing
interrupts sense /
“as/is” words were not a sensing matter,
Upsetting the intimacy of organs・
A kind of “there” there alleviates
the punctuality of bodies
Somewhere latent is a study on the question of how bodies [are] touch[ed] upon the legacies of minimalist sculpture
[this case, is this the one? your eyes are touching it right now
“even the eye touches; the gaze implies an unconscious touch, bodily mimesis and identification”(4)]
Somehere touch is another name for writing,
For ‘at the furthest edge of writing, nothing but touch happens’ (5);
For what writing is / is always other / at the limit of the other: a touch.
structural metaphor for recognitive understanding –
singular objects & globalised fluids, touching & seeing:
where does gesture become space,
when between the hand and thing, a plastic spatiality of synapses?
Somethere a poetic materialism makes matter pulse and joins everything together
Everywhere an archive of grasping thoughts and of walking lines of found necessities
“the psyche’s extended: knows nothing about it” (6)
(1) Description of Hand Holding Things, artist book by Phanos Kyriacou, Edition of 28, Hardcover, 46X33 cm, 28 pages (2014).
(2) Reference to This case is in process of arrangement, Phanos Kyriacou’s solo exhibition at Thkio Ppalies and to co-authored text from the artist and Natalie Yiaxi (17/03-14/04/2017).
(3) Reference to Treat, from The Adventures of a Giant Midget, work No. 59, Phanos Kyriacou’s solo exhibition at Thkio Ppalies (24/05-19/06/2015).
(4) Pallasmaa, J 2005, The eyes of the skin, Wiley-Academy, United Kingdom, p.42.
(5) Nancy, J L 2008, Corpus, trans. R Rand, Fordham University Press, New York, p.11.
(6) Nancy, J L 2008, Corpus, trans. R Rand, Fordham University Press, New York, p.21.
Evagoras Vanezis