Solid Plans
11/11 – 12/12/2016
Natalie Yiaxi
List of works & supplementary text
“Imagine that you are in a foreign country. Since you are going to be in this place for some time, you are trying to learn the language. At the point of commencing to learn the new language, just before having started to understand anything, you begin forgetting your own. Within strangeness, you find yourself without a language.” (Ordinary Language: The Language of the Body in Bodies Kathy Acker, 1993.)
Natalie Yiaxi steps out of the comfort zone of her own practice, which usually engages with the everyday by using language as material. In Solid Plans she attempts to discover a new language through using forms and substances quintessentially encountered in the the domestic landscape, the par excellence comfort zone of daily life. Employing and embracing the limited durational fluidity of plaster, she works with the domestic and the familiar to create an otherworldly sense of what surrounds us.