Photos: Demetris Loutsios
Closing event
“Weaving our fishing nets” co-learning assembly is coming to an end 🌊⛵️🌊⛵️🌊⛵️🌊⛵️🌊
During this time, the six residents, the eight workshop facilitators and the public came together to explore ways of unfixing hegemonic knowledge systems and ways of holding other forms of knowing beyond the dominant western canon of libraries, books, museums and institutions.
On the 1st of December at 2:30pm we will unload our nets to share the thoughts we have gathered along the way. Come listen, touch, speak, feel, eat and rest with us!
🐚 2:30pm Long table discussion*
🐚 4:00pm Listening session by DJ Harama & collective soup making
🐚 5:00 Eating together
*the format will be based on Split Britches’ concept of “a long table, a dinner party structured by etiquette, where conversation is the only course.“