A gathering by the sea
Nicola Mitropoulou, Clara Zinecker, Seta Astreou Karides & Miriam Gatt
As part of the co-learning assembly, Nicola, Clara, Miriam & Seta want to give an occasion to gather on the shores of Larnaca. We will start from the highly surveilled and securitized port where the global flows of capital are made visible by marine routes, containers and warships. Following the trails of money across the shores we navigate the narrow strip of land still accessible behind the massive ‘development’ project ’The Land of Tomorrow’. We continue observing colonial and neo-colonial traces as we move towards the British Bases of Dhekelia.
As we insist on inhabiting these commons we notice the language of futurity used by the violent structures that are promising “a new life by the sea”. Through writing and performative scores we hope to gather/reclaim these words, to make them liquid once more and return them to the landscape.